I know you've got a choice about whether you read this blog or not. Your continued reading shows you find value here at BicyclingBlogger. So I thank you again for reading. If you really like a post, make sure you bookmark it and let others know you find value here. Take out a subscription so you don't miss anything. Spread the word. Consider it your Christmas gift to me!
This blog is not intended to be a solo ride. Instead I simply want to be the rider up front, working hard, creating a big draft for all of you to follow.
My Gift To You
And here's my Christmas gift to all of you. It's the season of giving. So, on behalf of all of you, I've made a $50 donation to Project Rwanda. What does this have to do with BicyclingBlogger?
Let me explain...
As you may have noticed in the news this past week, the evil Colonel Theoneste Bagosora was found guilty of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Certainly that was a welcome Christmas gift for the Rwandan Tutsi population who were the tragic focus of his evil-doings.
But still, nearly 15 years later, Rwanda is struggling to recover.
Project Rwanda - Making A Difference With The Bike
This is where Tom Ritchey stepped in - yes, that Tom Ritchey of Ritchey Logic bicycles. He and his cycling partners put together Project Rwanda as a humanitarian effort to bring economic

In Rwanda they use a bizarre wooden bike to harvest coffee beans - oooh, coffee, another passion of mine and many of my cycling friends. Check it out at: The Coffee Bike.
So, as I said, I've already made a donation on your behalf. But really, if you're passionate about cycling and want to make a bit of difference in this world, please go to Project Rwanda and make your own donation.
Another way to help is to actually buy some Wooden Bike Coffee. $3 from each order goes directly to Project Rwanda - every penny helps, and hey, you get to enjoy a great cup of coffee with its very roots of development intricately linked to the bicycle!
Merry Christmas!
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