Winter Wake-Up Week 3

This week in the training plans we pick up the volume a little. If you've got extra time to train, you could add some more endurance riding to these plans, but stick to at least one day of complete rest - Monday usually makes the most sense if you've been using your somewhat free weekend days for the longer rides in these plans.

Endurance Means Building the Proper Metabolic Pathways

Training your endurance, though, is not entirely about increasing your volume. An additional strategy to boost endurance is by riding first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. I've written about this approach before here on Bicycling Blogger. Ideally, you need to ride at a slightly harder effort than a typical Endurance ride - something in a Zone 3 effort is needed for the best effect (see the first post in the training plan series for a recap on the training zones).

But still, getting any amount of an Endurance workout done in a glycogen-depleted state will help to stimulate your body's production of the enzymes needed to metabolize fat for fuel. And the more of those enzymes you've got available, the more you can meet your energy requirements from fat stores.

So this week, I've added a ride on Tuesday that you should do your best to get done first thing in the morning. The second-best approach is to do the ride later in the day, about 4hrs after the last time you ate. The third-best approach is simply to get the ride done!

In the past, I've prepared for the Penticton camp solely through riding FFAST workouts. During the camp I was able to comfortably ride all of the volume we had planned. I certainly recommend the approach to anyone trying to get ready for a big block of riding when they don't have a ton of time for training.

Finally, on Friday I've added a Restore workout, which really isn't a workout at all - at least it shouldn't feel like one. You've got to keep the effort level at an absolute minimum for the ride. It's simply about stimulating your blood circulation to help perk-up your overall recovery. If you make it feel like a workout, then you're doing it wrong! Choose your smallest gear and turn your legs over. That's it.

If you've got any questions or comments, please add them to the comments section below.

Winter Wake-Up Plan Week 3

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 1hr Endurance riding - Zone 2&3. If possible, try to do this ride first thing in the morning, shortly after you wake-up, without eating anything before the workout and drink only water during the ride.
Wednesday: 1hr10min Endurance + Tempo riding. After 30 mins of Zone 2 riding, spend the next 10mins riding at a solid Zone 3 Tempo effort with your cadence between 80 and 90 rpm. Finish out the ride back in Zone 2.
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 20min Restore riding - Zone 1. This is really easy, and you shouldn't feel any tension in your legs.
Saturday: 1hr45mins Endurance riding - Zone 2.
Sunday: 1hr30mins Endurance + SpinBlock ride - Zone 2. After 30mins of riding spend the next 20min block riding @ 115-130rpm. Pick an easy gear that lets you spin without your legs feeling heavy. Try to keep your pedal stroke fluid without bouncing all over your saddle. For some feedback, fill your outermost jersey pockets with loose coins and try to keep them quiet while you spin. Finish your ride by returning to a steady Zone 2 Endurance pace.

Winter Get-Back Plan Week 3

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 1hr Endurance riding - Zone 2&3. If possible, try to do this ride first thing in the morning, shortly after you wake-up, without eating anything before the workout and drink only water during the ride.
Wednesday: 1hr20min Endurance + Tempo riding. After 30 mins of Zone 2 riding, spend the next 20mins riding at a solid Zone 3 Tempo effort with your cadence between 80 and 90 rpm. Finish out the ride back in Zone 2.
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 20min Restore riding - Zone 1. This is really easy, and you shouldn't feel any tension in your legs.
Saturday: 2hrs Endurance+Tempo riding - Zone 2. After 30 mins of riding, spend the next 25mins riding at a solid Zone 3 Tempo effort with your cadence between 80 and 90 rpm.
Sunday: 1hr30mins Endurance + Spin-Ups ride - Zone 2. After 30 mins of riding spend the next 20mins doing Spin-Ups: increase your cadence over the course of 1 minute to >120rpm and hold that as long as possible without bouncing all over. For some feedback, fill your outermost jersey pockets with loose coins and try to keep them quiet while you spin. Then, spin easy until you feel ready to accelerate again, continuing the high spins and recoveries until the 20mins have elapsed.

Related Posts:

ABA Spring Camp Returns to Penticton in 2011
Winter Wake-Up Week 1
Winter Wake-Up Week 2
Winter Wake-Up Week 4

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